As you all know by now, Tom Copeland is retiring in May of this year. Family childcare providers have come to rely on his expert advice to help them maximize tax deductions, file their taxes correctly, and so much more. Tom has a huge heart, and we are honored to have partnered with him over
How Choosing Daycare Bookkeeping Software Impacts Your Business The first step to choosing the best daycare bookkeeping software for your home business is doing research. Invoicing, billing and keeping tabs on receivables are a chore that takes time away from your family. Bookkeeping software can save you time and effort and will benefit your business.
It’s tax season, and Tom Copeland, the nation’s leading expert on the business of family child care, is here to help. Tom has years of experience working with family child care providers, and provides excellent tax advice. If you are a KidKare user and want to receive even more advice and tips from Tom, join
Happy New Year from Tom Copeland, the nation’s leading expert on the business of family child care. Tom has years of experience working with family child care providers, and provides excellent tax advice. If you are a KidKare user and want to receive even more advice and tips from Tom, join the Child Care Business Partnership today