Social Emotional Development

“Mental health is a critical component of children’s learning and general health. Fostering social and emotional health in children as a part of healthy child development must therefore be a national priority”

U.S. Department of Public Health Service, 2000, p. 3

Social-Emotional Development

Being aware of a child’s social-emotional development is crucial for their mental health as it could be a predictor of success in school, relationships, and beyond. This development involves the building blocks of self-confidence, trust, and empathy, which are crucial for healthy relationships. In order to support children’s social-emotional health, families and educators should be aware of the following key indicators:

-A child’s ability to regulate emotions.

-A child’s ability to communicate and share feelings.

-A child’s understanding of emotions in others.

-A child’s ability to manage stress.

While some behaviors may be normal aspects of growing up, persistent concerns may require additional support from healthcare professionals specifically trained in social and emotional development, mood, attachment, and challenging behaviors.

Childcare Settings

High-quality early learning opportunities mitigate the effects of risk factors on children’s mental health. Providing opportunities for children to share and express emotions, as well as to learn how to regulate their own emotions, is essential for healthy development. When caregivers are able to provide positive reinforcement and support, children are more likely to feel comfortable communicating their needs. They also identify children who face barriers to healthy social and emotional development and partner with families to obtain the support they need.

Here are five benefits of social and emotional development in children:

  1. Improved academic performance. Children would be more likelier to pay attention in class, follow directions, and complete their work.
  2. Better social skills. They will make friends, be assertive, and resolve conflicts.
  3. Increased empathy. They will be more likely to understand and share the feelings of others.
  4. Greater self-awareness. Children can regulate their emotions better and have a better sense of self-control.
  5. Improved mental health. They will be less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.

How can I nurture social and emotional development in children?

Here are some ideas:

  • Loving Environment. One of the best ways to encourage social and emotional development is to provide a secure and loving environment. When children feel safe and loved, they are more likely to explore the world around them. They will also feel more confident and secure in themselves. It is important to let your child know that you are there for them and that you will always love them.
  • Modeling Positive Social and Emotional Behavior. Children learn by watching and imitating the people around them. If you want your child to be kind, caring, and confident, then you need to model those behaviors yourself. Show your child how to express emotions in healthy ways, build strong relationships, and handle challenging situations.
  • Practice New Skills. In addition to your support and guidance, children also need opportunities to practice new skills. Help them to identify and express their feelings, take turns and share, and solve problems.

It is also important to note that not all children who experience challenges in social and emotional development will require special assistance. If you are concerned about your child’s development, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional who is specifically trained in social and emotional development and challenging behaviors.

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The secret behind great CACFP menus, according to our providers.

With the help of our providers, we've gathered a nice helping of advice and creative meal suggestions just for you.

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Center Daily Menu

Center Menu Calendar

Center Daily Attendance


Substitute Milk & Child Milk Allergies

Milk Audit

Purchases and Write Offs

Milk Audit Reports


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eForms Settings

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Approve & Renew Forms

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Enroll & Edit Participants

Manually Enroll Participants

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Edit Participant Details


Milk Audit


Manage and Verify Receipts

Manage Vendors

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Menu Calendar

Creating Infant Menus

Mark Infants as Fed


Activate Children

Track Received Claims

Process Claims/Reprocess Claims

Submit Claims to State

Upload to CNP

Advance Claim Month

List Claims

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What if my site needs to make changes after they send their claim?

What if I need to make changes but I’ve already marked my claim as submitted?

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School Calendar

Tools Menu


Vendors & Receipts


Review OER for Sponsors

Reports in CX

Reports Training


Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts

Enroll & Manage Children

Enroll a New Participant

Edit Child Information

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Meals & Attendance

Mark Infants as Fed

Detailed Meals & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

Enroll & Manage Children​

Enroll Participant

Edit Child Information

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How to access your account

You can access your account by following the steps below:

1. Go to the KidKare website by clicking the link below 

2. Click on “I need a new Password” in the bottom right as shown in the image below.

3. Enter your email address into the email field and then click on “Send Me” 

  • Note: The email address will be the one the state has provided us. Please use the email address on record with your state. If you no longer have access to this email address please email 

 4. This should send an email to the email address entered from KidKare Enrollment Portal with a link to reset your password. Click on the blue link 

5. Enter your new password into the fields below and click “Go” 

6. Now you can go back to the login page and login with your email as the username and your new password! 

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Basics Meal & Attendance

Detailed Meal & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

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KidKare Food Program Software is a solution for single location childcare centers that submit claims directly to their state.​

Plan & Record Menus​

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Menu Calendar

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Creating Infant Menus


Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts


Substitute Milk and Child Milk Allergies

Milk Audit

Purchase & Write Offs


Claims Feature

Calculate Claims Button

Claims Errors

EOM Best Practices

State Upload File and Submitting to CNP

Mark Claim as Submitted


Infant Feeding Report

Milk Audit Report

Claim Manual Report

Set Up Accounts

Site Details and Settings for Sponsored Centers

Creating Roles and Permissions

Creating Center Staff Logins

Staff Login


List Claims & Track Received Claims

Submitting or Retrieving Claims from Sites

Submit Claims to State

Claims Training

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Built exclusively for single-location childcare centers submitting claims directly to their state.

Online Reviews

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4 Week Review

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KidKare Food Program Software is a solution for single location childcare centers that submit claims directly to their state.​

Non Congregate Sites

How to enroll a NC site

Entering Meal Deliveries

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KidKare Food Program Software is a solution for single location childcare centers that submit claims directly to their state.​

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Food Program Menus

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Take the paperwork out of the Food Program and maximize your CACFP reimbursements with KidKare. Built exclusively for single-location childcare centers submitting claims directly to their state.

Get Started Now with KidKare Food Program

Take the paperwork out of the Food Program and maximize your CACFP reimbursements with KidKare. Built exclusively for single-location childcare centers submitting claims directly to their state.

Training Webinar

3/21/2024 SFSP Webinar Recording

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Roster Upload Explanation

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Import Your Roster

Creating Roles and Permissions

Creating Center Staff Logins

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Create Master Menus (Required)

Copy & Paste Menus

Assign Menus to Locations

Setup Vendor with Menu Access

Sponsor Monthly Tasks

Sponsor Attendance / Bulk Entry

Enter Receipts (Required)

Advance Claim Month


Track Received Claims

Mark Centers Claim for Processing

Review Claims before Submitting to State

Submit Claim to State

Advance Claim Month

State Claims List

Site Training Videos

Marking Meals & Attendance

How to Complete a Satellite Form

Submit Claims to Sponsor

How Sites view Menu Production Records


Admin Reports (Non-menu)

SFSP Sponsor Menu Reports

Disbursement Journal & Status Report

Webinar Recordings

Getting Started, Rosters & Meal Counts




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