See KidKare in Action!

We have a Product Demo webinar coming soon for CACFP Sponsors & Single Location Centers  Learn more >

Nourishing Children, Managing Growth with KidKare

Maximize efficiency in the Food Program & Childcare Business Management with solutions, perfectly suited for any organization - from CACFP Sponsors to independent centers to state agencies.

Meals served in 2023
0 M+
Children enrolled with KidKare in 2023
0 M+
Providers, center and sponsor staff use KidKare
0 K+

Best-in-class software solutions

From Food Program Management

Discover CACFP functionality for all program types, including At-Risk After School & Summer Food Service Programs.


Reduce Paperwork

Error-free Claims

Enhance Compliance

Food Program software solution for:

to Smooth Sailing to Financial Wellbeing

Explore and better organize your bookkeeping, billing, payments, & financial reporting with Parachute.

Simplified Tax Reporting

Efficient Payment Processing

Streamlined Invoicing

Why KidKare?

Trusted Expertise in the 
Food Program Compliance & Childcare Management

KidKare is the go-to solution for efficient childcare management, offering tailored, scalable solutions for providers, centers and sponsors - big and small. With over 30 years of experience, we ensure seamless operations and CACFP compliance.


Explore the ever-expanding KidKare suite for:

Food Program Software

Automated Claim Calculation

~250 Edit Checks

Electronic Enrollment & IEFs

Point of Service Meal Counts

CACFP Approved Menus

150+ Reports

Solution tailored for unaffiliated with any Food Program sponsors, that submit their claims directly to the State.

Simplify oversight & boost compliance across your state with KidKare's comprehensive platform

Equip your sponsored participants ensuring smooth and error-less claim process.

Financial & Childcare Management Software

Whether you participate in the Food Program or not.

Childcare-specific accounting tools

Time/Space Calculations

Billing & Invoicing

Online Payments

Parent Communication

Flexible Compliant Attendance Tracking

Coming soon

Powerful solution that puts your finances at your fingerprints.

Equip your center with easy-to-use software to organize business finances and optimize your center’s processes.

Empower your childcare network to run their business effectively.

The Industry Loves KidKare

Program Director , NY
As the director of a sponsoring organization that oversees more than 90 sites, switching to KidKare has been nothing short of a game changer. After evaluating several software options, we chose KidKare, and I couldn't be more pleased with our decision. KidKare has not only simplified our operations but has also brought a new level of efficiency to our entire program.
Center Director, TX
We went through a stressful administrative review with the state before we started using KidKare Food Program, and we had several issues to address. Since switching from pen and paper to KidKare, we haven’t had a single problem.
Shared Service, GA
We’re thrilled to see how Parachute has transformed the operations of our family childcare providers. The feedback has been phenomenal—our providers rave about how easy it is to learn and how they can start using it effectively from day one. The ability to handle all bookkeeping tasks and accept payments in one place has been a game-changer.
Center Owner, PA
Claims: KidKare is AMAZING! Claims take just a few clicks now, and everything is error-free. The edit checks catch mistakes before we even see them. No more stress or hours spent on paperwork—it’s a total game-changer.

Latest Resources & Community Updates

KidKare Resource Library

Whether you're navigating the ins and outs of Food Program or seeking fresh ideas for your childcare center, we've got you covered.

Free Webinars

Our webinars include informative educational sessions and engaging product spotlights.

KidKare Blog

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and information about the childcare industry and our solutions.

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Connect, share, and thrive with fellow childcare pros!

Subscribe to our Newsletter

The Monthly Minute With KidKare is designed to provide our users with all the necessary information about the benefits you might be missing out on in the Food Program, childcare industry, and your business.

Our Partners


Substitute Milk & Child Milk Allergies

Milk Audit

Purchases and Write Offs

Milk Audit Reports



School Calendar

Tools Menu

Get Your Site Setup

Access site admin login

Add site level permissions and users


Activate Children

Track Received Claims

Process Claims/Reprocess Claims

Submit Claims to State

Upload to CNP

Advance Claim Month

List Claims

What if my site doesn’t send me their claim?

What if my site needs to make changes after they send their claim?

What if I need to make changes but I’ve already marked my claim as submitted?


Milk Audit


Manage and Verify Receipts

Manage Vendors

Menus & Attendance

Menu Templates

Create Master Menus

Copy and Paste Menus

Assign Menus to Sites

Center Daily Menu

Center Menu Calendar

Center Daily Attendance

Enroll & Edit Participants

Manually Enroll Participants

Import Rosters via Spreadsheet

Edit Participant Details


Add a Digital Signature for eForms

eForms Settings

Customize eForms Email Templates

Send Renewal Invitations via eForms

Send New Enrollments via eForms

Guardians View of an eForms Enrollment

View Status for Sponsors

View eForms Invitation Status Action Items

Approve & Renew Forms

Print Completed eForms

Set Up Your Account

Manage Client Information

Enroll Sites

Center Admin Permissions

Send Welcome Letter to Sites

Advance Claim Month

Add Additional Admin Users


Submit Claim Data to Sponsor


Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts


Review OER for Sponsors

Reports in CX

Reports Training

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Menu Calendar

Creating Infant Menus

Mark Infants as Fed

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Meals & Attendance

Mark Infants as Fed

Detailed Meals & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

Enroll & Manage Children

Enroll a New Participant

Edit Child Information

Set Up Accounts

Site Details and Settings for Sponsored Centers

Creating Roles and Permissions

Creating Center Staff Logins

Staff Login


Infant Feeding Report

Milk Audit Report

Claim Manual Report


Claims Feature

Calculate Claims Button

Claims Errors

EOM Best Practices

State Upload File and Submitting to CNP

Mark Claim as Submitted


Substitute Milk and Child Milk Allergies

Milk Audit

Purchase & Write Offs


Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts

Plan & Record Menus​

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Menu Calendar

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Creating Infant Menus

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Basics Meal & Attendance

Detailed Meal & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

Enroll & Manage Children​

Enroll Participant

Edit Child Information


Vendors & Receipts


List Claims & Track Received Claims

Submitting or Retrieving Claims from Sites

Submit Claims to State

Claims Training

Subscribe to our webinars

Subscribe to our email list and be the first to receive updates and insights from our team of experts.

Get Started Now

Built exclusively for single-location childcare centers submitting claims directly to their state.

Online Reviews

Setting Up Monitor Access

1st Week Review

4 Week Review

Validating Online Reviews

Training Webinar

3/21/2024 SFSP Webinar Recording


Roster Upload Explanation

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Join our email list today and stay in the loop with all the latest news and exciting developments.

We want to know you!

We understand that navigating the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) can be confusing and stressful. That's why we created our KidKare Newsletter.

We want to know you!

We understand that navigating the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) can be confusing and stressful. That's why we created our KidKare Newsletter.


Admin Reports (Non-menu)

SFSP Sponsor Menu Reports

Disbursement Journal & Status Report

Site Training Videos

Marking Meals & Attendance

How to Complete a Satellite Form

Submit Claims to Sponsor

How Sites view Menu Production Records


Track Received Claims

Mark Centers Claim for Processing

Review Claims before Submitting to State

Submit Claim to State

Advance Claim Month

State Claims List

Sponsor Monthly Tasks

Sponsor Attendance / Bulk Entry

Enter Receipts (Required)

Advance Claim Month

Create Menus

Create Master Menus (Required)

Copy & Paste Menus

Assign Menus to Locations

Setup Vendor with Menu Access

Set Up Your Account

Manage Sponsor Information

Enroll Sites

Create Additional Admin Logins

Get Help

Set Up Your Site

KidKare Tour

Staff login for the first time

Import Your Roster

Creating Roles and Permissions

Creating Center Staff Logins

It’s quick and easy to get started

Just enter your email address below and we’ll set up a free 30 day trial just for you.

We believe in the application so much, that we know you’ll love it.